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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Visual Basic

The aim of this subject is:

learnt the students design the visual application.

Subjects Names:

  1. What is Visual Basic?, Structure of a Visual Basic Application Steps in Developing Application, Drawing the User Interface and Setting Properties, Setting Properties of Objects at Design Time, Setting Properties at Run Time, Variables Visual Basic Data Types, Variable Declaration.

  2. Visual Basic Statements and Expressions, Visual Basic Operators, Visual Basic Functions, Visual Basic Branching-If Statements, Select Case-Another Way to Branch, Visual Basic Looping.
  3. The Message Box, Object Methods, The Form Object Command Buttons, Label Boxes, Text Boxes, Check Boxes, Option Buttons, Arrays, Control Arrays, Frames, List Boxes ,Combo Boxes.

  4. Display Layers, Line Tool, Shape Tool, Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars,Picture Boxes, Image Boxes, Drive List Box Directory List Box, File List Box, Synchronizing the Drive, Directory, and File List Boxes, Common Dialog Boxes.

  5. Using General Sub Procedures in Applications, Creating a Code Module, Using General Function Procedures in Applications, Adding Menus to an Application.

  6. Database Structure and Terminology, ADO Data Control, Data Links, Assigning Tables, Bound Data Tools, Creating a Virtual Table, Finding Specific Records, Database Management.

  7. Graphics Methods, Using Colors, Mouse Events, Drag and Drop Events, Timer Tool and Delays, Animation Techniques.

  1. introduction to visual basic.
  2. Learn Visual Basic 6.0.
  3. Visual Basic Developer’s Guide.
University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
Tel. : +964 (0)62 7225125    Relations: +964 762 0004
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